Welk Resorts St. Patrick’s Day Spring Fling Family Festival
Lee and London was brought on in 2018 by the Welk Resort in Escondido to assist with their Theatre’s PR, and since we earned great results, the Resort had us work on some of their annual events. One was the St. Patrick’s Day Spring Fling Family Festival in March of 2019. The festival was one of the only family-focused St. Patrick’s Day events in the entire San Diego County, so we were excited to get the word out. L&L was also tasked with developing copy for digital and social ads and facilitating the social buys on the backend of Facebook.
With a focus on garnering local coverage, the L&L team curated placements on most of the region’s largest reaching outlets like San Diego Family Magazine, Pacific Magazine, Patch, Red Tricycle, Escondido Times-Advocate, San Diego Union-Tribune, SoCal Pulse, The Vista Press, iHeart Media Websites, SD City Beat, Valley Roadrunner and more. We also coordinated TV segments with Fox 5, News 8 and ABC 10.