By: Bre Callahan
The Agenda trade show was held this weekend in Long Beach and was packed with new products from our favorite companies. Lee & London was there and we scoured the aisles to bring you a sneak peek of what action sport and lifestyle brands are going to bring you in 2015.
Buyers visited booths for a look at next season’s offerings Scavenger makes one-of-a-kind cruisers from vintage Hawaiian shirts Scavenger cruiser detail Stance featured soft, washed out pastels for their women’s line Sorbet anyone? High performance and environmentally friendly boards are custom painted by Earth Tech Surf Boards Non-toxic paint used for E-Tech boards Converse unveiled an array of full-print sneakers including an Andy Warhol Campbell’s soup edition. TransWorld SKATEboarding conducted live interviews with industry leaders and trendsetters. Editor in Chief Jamie Ownes chats with Gabe Clement about what’s new from Matix Clothing.
We had a great time and can’t wait until next year!